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Sunday, March 20, 2011

de$peRatE kE sAya?????

"saya suka dia!!
saya nk bgtau kat satu dunia saya suka dia!
saya nk dia kawen dgn saya!!
awak nk kawen dgn saya x??"

okay! that is definitely not my dialogue..
that is based on my experiment and conversation with a friend of mine, 
Miss Mastura Mustafa Kamal..=)

today's entry is all about desperate to be in love..!
*cekgu ada, desperate itu ape??
desperate tu terdesak..
direct translation okay.. hehe..
eh! before kte bincang dgn lebih lanjut lg,
saya nk mintak maaf kepada sesiapa yg terasa dgn post ini ya..
post ini memang mungkin ade kena mengena dgn sesiapa,
tp tidak ditujukan khas untuk sesiapa..

let's start!!
what makes people become desperate??
myb sbb keadaan memaksa..
tapi kalo dalam cinta, ape yg memaksa??
sorry, saya x bole jawab soalan ini..
sbb saya xtau jawapan dia..! -.-'
kurang kasih sayangkah anda??
kurang perhatiankah anda??

fyi peeps, desperate to be in love is a very dangerous situation to be in..
yea! you could do anything..
and even embarrassed yourself..
please people, be normal when it comes to love..
yes! it's easy for me to say..
it ain't happen to me coz i already have someone..
but think as a normal person,
bf/gf doesn't promise you happiness forever..
so why should you do anything just to have someone called BF@GF??

it is never wrong to like someone..
and it will never be until you annoyed people with that..
telling the whole world you like that person..
hey, how many person wants to know who do you like???

they aren't being jealous..
they're just annoyed..
and you can't blame them..
so stop telling the whole world about something that is not sure yet..
or else you'll regret it later..

p/s: they said, love is just like butterflies..the more you chase, it will fly further..so just stay still, they will fly to you...xoxo!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

hai all :)

ererrr ! assalamualaikum all. hah. all ! all !

sini mau selongkar satu penyelongkaran yang tak pernah dibuat org. hehe. sebenornye ini semua berkaitan dgn blog ni. tetibe saye/aku/gua/i dijemput utk menaip di blog ini. haha. jadik saye/aku/gua/i takleh a nk bazirkan peluang utk membongkar rahsia y kat blog ni. hehehe. tp la kannn saye/aku/gua/i rase nanti mesti owner blog ni akan murka then tak kasik saye/aku/gua/i post kat blog dye dah kan ? ape kate korg ? haaa.

ni la saye/aku/gua/i nk cite serba sedikit pasal name blog ni. korg paham ? korg tawu ape mksud dye ? haa. owner ni men tarok je sbb dye dengor dr membe dye. katenye lah kan. pastu mule2 saye/aku/gua/i memg da agak ni french pastu saye/aku/gua/i tny la owner ni ape mksudnye name blog ni ? pastu dye ckp laa. you make me smile. wahh. memg smile saye/aku/gua/i pastu. pegi google translate jumpe ni ! vous me faites sourire. haha. korg tak caye korg pegi cube try test ! bunyik memg la dkat2 nak same tp memg tade mksud ah gini. try pegi translate. ni mksd dye você me faz will leave hmm. korg try suda ?

btw. saye/aku/gua/i nak minx maap kat owner blog ni. hehe. mesti tgh bengang tuu. tp apakan dayaa. sabor jelahh. haha. :) peace yaw

Thursday, March 17, 2011

eh! eh! muka dia..!! -.-'

hey ya peeps!!
eh2! silap2.. assalamualaikum~
hehe.. ha! npe tajuk entry kali nie mcm 2??
haha.. sje je nk bg suspen ckt..-.-'

okay! post nie certain2 org je yg akn paham..
so bg yg da bce tp x paham, x perlu mencuba..hehe..
just nod as if you got it.. okay?? hee~

since i started working in da office,
i've been observing everybody...
*hee! xde keje la saya nie...
kt office nie bukan ramai pown.. and majority chinese..
maaf! saya nie sgtla tidak peramah kepada stranger..
so saya hanya mmpu tersenyum je..
tp bg yg pandai ckt, tau la saya senyum tu x ikhlas..-.-'

tgh observe2, saya perasan something!! eh bukan! someone!!
"eh! she looks like someone i know! tp sape ek...."
saya bermonolog sendiri..hihi..
pk-pk and jang!!
muka ex-roomate saya kt kota puteri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-.-'
sebijik muka dia.. da la meja sebelah saya..
for sure kena hadap tetiap hari..aigoo~

p/s: saya nk upload picca tp x bole.. bahaya!! kan banyak stalker dan reporter..hihi.. nnt x pasal2 saya kena SERANG!! chow yaww! hehe..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

eQuaTioN i mAde $peCiaL FoR yOu..

ego ke saya kalo layan awak mcm tu??
ego ke saya kalo saya act cold dgn awak??
ego ke saya kalo saya x bg awak msg saya??
ego ke saya kalo saya malas nk layan awak??

mungkin! tp tau x knpe saya wat mcm tu??
mesti awak ckp xtau kan??
da agk da.. awak TYPICAL GUY!
so i can expect you dear..

salah awak saya jadi mcm tu..
suka repeat the same mistake over and over again..
awak x penat ke??
saya penat!! penat nk layan awak!!!!
you know it very well..!!
you know i hate waiting..
and yet, you kept me waiting..!!
you know i hate to be force..
and yet, you're forcing me..!! 
you know the things that i hate..
and yet,

why do all the things i HATE?!!

to test?? forget it darl..!
you'll regret it..
mungkin awak x perasan ape yg awak buat..
tp NOTE this..
ini BUKAN kali pertama..!
bukan jugak kedua..!
saya xnk ckp lagi.. saya xnk tegur lagi..
lepas ni awak paham2 la sendiri okay??

read this equation carefully okay...

penat = malas nak pedulik

x pedulik = x kesah

x kesah = x care

x care = x sayang

x sayang = awak tau kan jawapan dia ape??

p/s: silence does not bring the meaning of nothing.. but it means a lot!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

i'm dying..

"i don't have the voice heart to tell you..
you are suffering from rhabdomyosarcomas.."

"not to be rude, but wth is that??"

"it's a kind of cancer..
it's a less common cancer 
that usually occur among children and teenagers.."

"doctor, can it be cure??"

"well, we can try to have surgery.. 
it's better trying.."

"i'm sure it will cost a lot..
i don't have the money..
doctor, what if i didn't do anything??"

"hurmm...actually, the chances to survive 
from the surgery is only 10%..
but if you did nothing,
 you'll have less than 3 years month to live.."

"wow! can i go home now??
i think my brain has stopped functioning..
thanks a lot doctor.."

drama! drama! drama!
adegan di atas telah diadaptasi dari sebuah novel..
dan telah di olah oleh saya! haha..
oke! drama time is over..
alhamdulillah..saya x menderita penyakit "rhabdomyosarcomas"..
penyakit 2 mmg wujud taw!
kalo nk tau lebih lanjut, klik sini..

oke cukup pasal penyakit..!
i am dying..
and i would die if my beloved mother didn't buy this for me..:'(

"mama! please..................
i'm dying to have this..!!!"

hihi.. i've been staying up late for this past few days..
i studied few things on this..
so that i have a little knowledge on something that i'm dying for..
but if mrs.mama refuse to fulfill my wish,
argh! i would surely die..!
err....no! i change my mind..
i'm not gonna die but i will surely lost my appetite to eat..

"mama, have some mercy
to your beloved daughter.."

i've been craving for this thing 
long~ long~ time ago..
but i don't have the guts to ask for it..
well, one thing for sure,
it doesn't cost for only rm2, nor rm20 neither do rm200..
it will cost me my mother 2k!!

well, 2 thousand ringgit can't be found
in front of the house..
unless there are any morons who left their money to me..
*how i wish there are..hihi..
so it's not easy for me to get this thing..
i'm a brat but not the rich one..hehe..

i envy those people who already own what i want..
one of those people is my own boyfriend close friend..!
oh! i love hate you..
only God knows how i feel when you show me that thing!!

but! it's okay..
hehe..i ask for it already..
and alhamdulillah, i got a positive answer..
but mama said,

"if you want something,
you must show me the effort.."

yes of course mother..
i will show you my very best..
hehehe.. and i will be the most obedient girl..
*err..i can't promise you this..
but i will try my best to be one..=)

"this" that i've been blabbering about is
nikon d3100!!!
for more picture and info about my medicine,
click here
i'm dying to have nikon D3100!!
i have a disease..
and can only be cured if i get one of this..
so can somebody get this medicine for me??
hehe.. thank you!

p/s: no other messages! I WANT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wHaT aRe woRd$

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see
How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight
And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

I'm forever keeping my angel close...

p/s: nothing to say.. i just into this song.. =)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

LeLaki iTu...

after wrote a few facts merepek things about girls,
now is the perfect time to drop write about guys!!
i love dis guy!!
okay! lets start..
siapa ckp perempuan je ade sikap yg dibenci menjengkelkan??
siapa yg ckp cmtu, msti male chauvinist! hahahah...
so here are some types of guys i found based on my experiment observation..
oleh sbb x kuar sgt, i couldn't observe much.. hehe..

1. ego
*oh! lelaki mmg semestinya mempunyai sikap ini..
knp?? xtau la..tnye lelaki.. hihi..
tp ego lelaki mmg sangat tinggi...
and usually, much higher than a girl..
ego nye~!
2. cemburu
*saya x suka lelaki yg terlalu cemburu..
org ckp cemburu tu tnda sayang, so kalo sgt cemburu mknenye sgt sayang ke??
oh tidak! pada saya, cemburu mungkin bole terima..
sangat cemburu itu tidak sama sekali!!
sangat cemburu bermaksud sangat mengontrol..
so guys, kalo korunk 2 jenis yg sgt cemburu, stay away from me..

3.panas baran
*ha yg nie saya yakin sgt2 xde girl pown yg ske..
hehe.. ye la..ckt-ckt nk marah.. ape kes..?
rilex sudah.. guys yg jenis ni ske nk membesar-besarkan isu yg kecik..
pastu nk marah-marah.. and ade yg smpai nk naik tangan..
oh lelaki! kamu dicipta untuk melindungi kami,
bukan untuk menjadikan kami punch bag korunk.. oke??

4.sensitif sangat
*hahahah... golongan nie kelakar..!
senang mengalirkan air mata... hihi..
guys = menangis = so uncool!!
tp kalo a guy dat is hardly cry, but he cried for you,
girl! he's really into you!! hehe...

*oh lelaki gatal! hehe..
tp guys ni mmg selalu flirty pown!
well, flirty doesn't mean diorg x setia..
kdg-kdg diorg buat 2 sje-sje je..
so girls, jgn cpt melenting okay??

p/s: dat's all for today.. insyaAllah will be continue about this.. now, i'm running out of ideas..hehe...