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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

LeLaki iTu...

after wrote a few facts merepek things about girls,
now is the perfect time to drop write about guys!!
i love dis guy!!
okay! lets start..
siapa ckp perempuan je ade sikap yg dibenci menjengkelkan??
siapa yg ckp cmtu, msti male chauvinist! hahahah...
so here are some types of guys i found based on my experiment observation..
oleh sbb x kuar sgt, i couldn't observe much.. hehe..

1. ego
*oh! lelaki mmg semestinya mempunyai sikap ini..
knp?? xtau la..tnye lelaki.. hihi..
tp ego lelaki mmg sangat tinggi...
and usually, much higher than a girl..
ego nye~!
2. cemburu
*saya x suka lelaki yg terlalu cemburu..
org ckp cemburu tu tnda sayang, so kalo sgt cemburu mknenye sgt sayang ke??
oh tidak! pada saya, cemburu mungkin bole terima..
sangat cemburu itu tidak sama sekali!!
sangat cemburu bermaksud sangat mengontrol..
so guys, kalo korunk 2 jenis yg sgt cemburu, stay away from me..

3.panas baran
*ha yg nie saya yakin sgt2 xde girl pown yg ske..
hehe.. ye la..ckt-ckt nk marah.. ape kes..?
rilex sudah.. guys yg jenis ni ske nk membesar-besarkan isu yg kecik..
pastu nk marah-marah.. and ade yg smpai nk naik tangan..
oh lelaki! kamu dicipta untuk melindungi kami,
bukan untuk menjadikan kami punch bag korunk.. oke??

4.sensitif sangat
*hahahah... golongan nie kelakar..!
senang mengalirkan air mata... hihi..
guys = menangis = so uncool!!
tp kalo a guy dat is hardly cry, but he cried for you,
girl! he's really into you!! hehe...

*oh lelaki gatal! hehe..
tp guys ni mmg selalu flirty pown!
well, flirty doesn't mean diorg x setia..
kdg-kdg diorg buat 2 sje-sje je..
so girls, jgn cpt melenting okay??

p/s: dat's all for today.. insyaAllah will be continue about this.. now, i'm running out of ideas..hehe...